THE LAST LESSON Question Answers pdf- NCERT English

Dear students, Here we are uploading THE LAST LESSON Question Answers pdf for the upcoming exams of NCERT, These questions are useful for NCERT, CBSE, and RBSE students.

THE LAST LESSON Question Answers pdf- NCERT English


Intext Questions

Think as you read (page 7)

Q.1 What was Franz expected to be prepared for school that day? 

(CBSE 2020)(S.S. Exam 2015)

Ans–  Franz was expected to be prepared for the rules of “Participles” that day. His teacher M Hamel told the students that he would ask questions on Participles.

Q.2 What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day?


How was the scene in the school in the morning of the last lesson different from that on other days?


What did Franz wonder about when he entered the class that day?

(CBSE 2020)

Ans- Franz notices that on normal days there is often a lot of activity in the school, But that day when Franz came to the school there was peace all around. There was always the sound of opening and closing of tables and the repetition of lessons. But no such sound was heard that day in school.

Q.3 What had been put on the bulletin board?

(CBSE 2017)


What sad news was written on the bulletin board as Franz passed the town hall?

Ans- When Franz passed near the town hall, there was a crowd in front of the Bulletin board. For the last 2 years, all the bad news used to come from here, and that day it was announced that German would be taught in schools instead of French through the bulletin board.

Think as you read (page 8)

Q.1 What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?

Answer – The school caused many changes due to orders from Berlin.  At first, there was no usual hustle and bustle in the school.  Second, at the back benches, which were usually empty, the villagers sat as quietly as us, studying intently.

Q.2 How did Franz’s feelings about M Hamel and school change?

Answer- Franz’s feelings for M Hamel and the school changed when the order came from Berlin that German would be taught in place of French in the schools.

Earlier, Franz did not listen to his teacher carefully, but after that order, he listened to his words carefully, and his respect for his teacher increased. He started to love his mother language and his school. He felt that he should have focused on his studies and learned his mother tongue French better.


Understanding the text

Q.1 The people in the story suddenly realise how precious their language is to them. What shows you this? why does this happen?

Answer- when the order came from Berlin that German would be taught in place of French in the school. M Hamel’s dressing in his Sunday ceremonial green coat in honor of his last lesson and the people of the village attending the last lesson in French shows that people suddenly realize that their language is very precious to them.

Franz regrets that he has not taken his lessons seriously. M Hamel regrets that he has not taken his teaching seriously. The teacher also blamed his countrymen for not paying attention to the education of their children, and the villagers were also sad for not paying much attention to his mother language.

All these facts show that they suddenly realise the value of their own language.

All this happens because when people feel that their own language French will be replaced by German and It will no longer be taught in their school, they become emotionally weak, and come to school to pay respect for their own language and 40 years of faithful service of M Hamel.

Q.2 Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What could this mean?

Ans- Franz heard some pigeons cooing on the roof, he wondered if the German soldiers would force the pigeons to sing in German.  As this idea seemed to be impossible, Franz believed that no one could replace a  native language of a particular place by imposing one’s language and that it was impossible to force people to change their language.

Just as pigeons’ language can not be changed, nobody can force them to speak another language in schools.

Talking about the text

Q.1 “When people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison.” 

Can you think of examples in history where a conquered people had their linguistics and away from them or had a language imposed on them?

Ans- Yes, there are many examples in history where a conquered people had their linguistic and cultural identity taken away from them or had a language imposed on them. Here are a few examples:

  1. Roman Empire: The Romans conquered many different territories, and in many cases, they imposed Latin as the official language. The imposing of language had a significant impact on the cultures and languages of the conquered territories, as Latin became the language of government, education, and commerce.
  1. Spanish colonization of the Americas: When the Spanish colonized the Americas, they imposed Spanish as an official language in the Americas and tried to suppress the indigenous languages ​​there. This had a bad effect on the culture there, as many of their languages ​​and cultural practices were lost or suppressed.
  2. British colonization in India: When India was taken over by the Britishers, the English language was imposed in the education sector and in offices. Imposing the language had a disastrous impact on Indian culture and language. Indians had to learn English to tackle the Britishers.

These are just a few examples, but there are many other cases In history where a conquered people had their language and cultural identity taken away from them or had a language imposed on them.

Q.2 What happens to a linguistic minority in a state how do you think they can keep their language alive

Ans– When linguistic minorities exist in a state, there is a chance that their language and cultural identity may be lost over time, especially when the majority language is used in official government work, education, and media. However, there are many ways through which linguistic minorities can keep their languages alive and save their cultural identity. Here are some strategies that can be followed:

Language Protection Program: The government should organize various programs for the protection of the language, in which cultural programs can be organized of the language 

Bilingual education: Bilingual education programs can be enforced in schools, where students are taught in both the majority language and the minority language. This will help students to maintain their proficiency in the minority language too.

Media and literature: Media and literature can be published in the language of minorities. This can include books, music, films, and newspapers.

Community involvement:  Linguistic minorities can form their own communities and social networks to support the use of their own language.

Legal recognition: Governments may legally recognize a minority language and provide official support for its use in various contexts.

By implementing these strategies, linguistic minorities can keep their languages alive and preserve their cultural identity.

Q.3 Is it possible to carry pride in one’s language too far? Do you know what ‘linguistic chauvinism’ means?

Ans– Yes, it is possible to take too much pride in one’s own language, and this can even lead to linguistic chauvinism. Excessive pride in our language reinforces the idea of our own language being superior to others. This can arise due to the following reasons

Disrespect for other languages or cultures: Linguistic chauvinists may show disrespect for other languages or cultures, and may belittle or ridicule them.

Refusal to learn other languages: Linguistic chauvinists may refuse to learn other languages or view them as inferior, believing that their own language is superior.

Exclusive language use: Linguistic chauvinism may always insist on the use of their own language, even in situations where it is not necessary or appropriate, such as in international settings or when communicating with non-native speakers.

Linguistic chauvinism can be harmful to other languages because it can lead to prejudice, discrimination, and a lack of understanding and respect for other languages and cultures. We have a moral responsibility to recognize the value and importance of all languages and cultures and to appreciate and respect linguistic diversity.

THE LAST LESSON Question Answers pdf

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