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A Photograph Class 11 Question Answers
A Photograph Class 11 Questions Answers
Directions:- A Photograph Class 11 Question Answers in about 30-40 words each.
Q1. What does the word ‘cardboard’ denote in the poem? Why has this word been used?
कविता में ‘कार्डबोर्ड’ शब्द क्या इंगित करता है ? इस शब्द का प्रयोग क्यों किया गया है ?
Ans: The word ‘cardboard’ in the poem refers to the picture of the poetess’s mother. It has been used to preserve the memories of the past,
Cardboard, being strong and long-lasting, reflects the lasting impression of a twelve-year-old girl photograph, This term highlights the permanent nature of memories.
कविता में ‘कार्डबोर्ड’ शब्द कवयित्री की माँ की तस्वीर को दर्शाता है। इसका उपयोग अतीत की यादों को संजोने के लिए किया जाता रहा है,
कार्डबोर्ड, मजबूत और लंबे समय तक चलने वाला होने के कारण, बारह वर्षीय लड़की की तस्वीर की स्थायी छाप को दर्शाता है, यह शब्द अतीत की यादों की स्थायी प्रकृति पर प्रकाश डालता है।
Ans. The word ‘cardboard’ means a stiff pasteboard used as a frame. In the poem, it refers to the poet’s mothers’s photograph framed within the cardboard. It has kept her mother’s picture safe for so many years. The poet has used the word ironically. It kept the picture of the twelve-year-old girl safe, who herself was transient and died years ago. It also evokes the memories of the poet’s mother.
Q2: What has the camera captured?
कैमरे ने क्या कैद कर लिया है ?
Ans. The camera captured the joyful smiles of three young girls during their holiday on the beach. It captured the happy moments they shared on that vacation.
कैमरे ने समुद्र तट पर छुट्टियों के दौरान तीन युवा लड़कियों की हर्षित मुस्कान को कैद किया है। इसमें उन सुखद क्षणों को कैद किया गया है जो उन्होंने उस छुट्टी पर साझा किए थे।
Ans. The camera captured the happy mood of three girls who were enjoying their sea holiday. The camera has also captured the sweet face of the poet’s twelve-year-old mother, holding the hands of her young cousins, Betty and Dolly.
Q3. What has not changed over the years? Does this suggest something to you?
वर्षों बीतने पर भी किसमें परिवर्तन नहीं आया है ? क्या यह आपको कुछ इशारा करता है?
Ans. The sea has remained unchanged over the years. This shows that natural elements take a long time to change, whereas human life changes rapidly. It indicates the mortality of human life and the stability of nature.
वर्षों से समुद्र अपरिवर्तित बना हुआ है। इससे पता चलता है कि प्राकृतिक तत्वों को बदलने में काफी समय लगता है, जबकि मानव जीवन तेजी से बदलता है। यह मानव जीवन की नश्वरता और प्रकृति की स्थिरता को दर्शाता है।
Ans. The sea, seen in the snapshot, has not changed with the passage of time. It has remained unchanged, untouched by the years that have passed.
Yes, it tells us that we, human beings, are mortal. The happy faces, and the happy feet of the three girls, washed by the waves, are seen no more. They were mortal, and they passed away. But the sea is timeless and continues in the same way.
Q4. The poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot. What did this laugh indicate?
कवि की माँ फोटो देखकर हंसी। यह हँसी क्या इशारा करती है?
Ans. The poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot because she saw how she and her cousins used to dress at the time. However, over time, this outfit may seem awkward to her. This laughter indicates a happy mood remembering the happy memories of the past.
कवि की माँ स्नैपशॉट पर हँसी क्योंकि उसने देखा कि वह और उसकी चचेरी बहनें उस समय कैसे कपड़े पहनती थीं। हालाँकि, समय के साथ, यह पोशाक उसे अजीब लग सकती है। यह हँसी अतीत की सुखद यादों को याद करके प्रसन्न मनोदशा का संकेत देती है।
Q5. What is the meaning of the line “Both wry with the laboured ease of loss”?
“Both wry with the laboured ease of loss” पंक्ति का क्या तात्पर्य है ?
Ans. The poetess says that those days of beach holiday were the past of the poet’s mother and the mother’s laughter has now become her (the poetess’s) past because she is dead now.
They both were sad over the loss of their happy past, But with great effort, they learned to live simply with the feeling of loss.
कवयित्री का कहना है कि समुद्र तट पर छुट्टियों के वे दिन कवि की माँ के अतीत थे और माँ की हँसी अब उसका (कवयित्री का) अतीत बन गई है क्योंकि वह अब मर चुकी है। वे दोनों अपने सुखद अतीत के खोने से दुखी थे, लेकिन बड़े प्रयास से उन्होंने नुकसान की भावना के साथ सरलता से जीना सीख लिया।
Ans. Both mother and daughter try to hide their pain. The mother is sad because she has lost her childhood, her joyful spirit, and the time she spent with her cousins at the beach.
The poet remembers her mother’s laughter, a happy memory, now mixed with pain as her mother is no more.
Both of them try hard to ease their pain, their feeling of loss-Mother, her happy childhood, the poet-the memory of her happy mother.
Q6. What does “this circumstance” refer to?
‘इस परिस्थिति’ से क्या तात्पर्य है ?
Ans. ‘This circumstance’ refers to the situation where the poetess looks at her mother’s photograph, thinks of the past, and then thinks of her mother’s death. Here the situation is of the poet reflecting on the life and death of his mother.
‘यह परिस्थिति’ उस स्थिति को संदर्भित करती है जहाँ कवयित्री अपनी माँ की तस्वीर को देख रही है, और अतीत के बारे में सोच रही है, और फिर अपनी माँ की मृत्यु के बारे में सोच रही है। यहाँ स्थिति कवि द्वारा अपनी माँ के जीवन और मृत्यु पर चिंतन करने की है।
Ans. ‘This circumstance’ is the passing away of her mother twelve years ago. It brings out painful memories of the past. The pain is so great that she does not want to talk about how her mother died. She does not want to talk about ‘transient’ life.
Q7. The three stanzas depict three different phases. What are they
कविता के तीन अनुच्छेद तीन अलग-अलग चरणों को प्रदर्शित करते हैं। ये तीन चरण क्या है ?
Ans. The three stanzas portray three distinct phases of the poet’s mother. The first stanza depicts her as a lively twelve-year-old girl, enjoying her time on the beach. The second stanza presents her as a middle-aged woman laughing at her past photo. In the third stanza, Her death has brought silence in the poet’s life and in every event of the past.
तीन छंद कवि की माँ के तीन अलग-अलग चरणों को चित्रित करते हैं। पहले छंद में उसे बारह साल की एक जीवंत लड़की के रूप में दर्शाया गया है, जो समुद्र तट पर अपने समय का आनंद ले रही है। दूसरा श्लोक उसे एक मध्यम आयु वर्ग की महिला के रूप में प्रस्तुत करता है जो अपनी पिछली तस्वीर पर हंस रही है। तीसरे छंद में कहा गया है, उनकी मृत्यु ने कवि के जीवन और अतीत की हर घटना में सन्नाटा ला दिया है
Ans. The three phases describe the passage of time and draw a vivid portrait of three stages of life.
(i) In the first stanza, the poet’s mother is only twelve years old; a sweet-faced happy girl is enjoying her sea holiday. She enjoyed her holiday with her two cousins. This was a period before the birth of the poet.
(ii) In the second stanza, some thirty years have passed. Both mother and daughter look at the snapshot and the mother laughs at her picture. It is a happy memory from her past. The daughter also looks with love at her mother’s ‘sweet face’ and remembers with nostalgia, her mother’s laughter.
(iii) The third stanza evokes grief in the poet, her great sense of loss at her mother’s passing away twelve years ago. The death of her mother has left a great void in the poet’s life, and only silence remains.
A Photograph Extra Question Answers
A Photograph Extra Question Answers
Directions:- A Photograph Class 11 Question Answers in about 30-40 words each.
Q.1. The photograph brought back fond memories to the poet. What are they?
Ans. The poet remembers her mother who is no more. She remembers her mother’s sweet face and her laughter when she looked at the picture bringing back memories of her sea holiday and her beach dress.
Q.2. How does the poet contrast the two pasts: of her mother and of her own?
Ans. The mother’s past is the happy memories of a sea holiday. The poet’s memory is about her mother’s sweet face and laughter. Both have happy memories, but the poet feels the loss and pain of losing her mother.
Q.3. What do you think is the mood of the poet?
Ans. The mood of the poet is of pain and grief at the loss of her mother. She recalls happy memories of her mother’s sweet face and laughter, but she is reminded of the transient life, the inability to say anything about the inevitability of death and its reality.
Q.4. What does the cardboard show?
Ans. The cardboard shows an old photograph. It shows the poet’s mother holding the hands of two cousins, Dolly and Betty. They are standing at the beach, smiling at the uncle who is taking their photograph with a camera.
Q.5. How does the poet contrast the girls with the sea?
Ans. All three girls have a temporary existence in this world. They change physically with the passage of time. The mother’s sweet face is no more there after thirty years or so, death claims her. But the vast sea remains unchanged over the years. It goes on.
Q.6. Why do you think the poet says nothing about her mother’s death?
Ans. The poet has no words to express her grief and sorrow. Death silences everyone. The quietness and prevailing gloom silence the poet.
Q.7. Explain ‘terribly transient feet’.
Ans. The poet contrasts the eternity of the sea with the mortality of human beings. The sea is eternal, and it has remained the same. The photograph has not undergone a change as compared to those footprints washed away by the sea.
Q.8. Explain: ‘The sea holiday was her past, mine is her laughter’.
Ans. The mother often remembered the time she enjoyed with her cousins on the sea beach. It was joyful. But it was for her a thing of the past. And for the poet, the laughter of her mother was the thing of the past.
Read- Poem A Photograph Summary
Read- A Photograph Central Idea Class 11
Read- Full Text