If you are a student of Class 10 NCERT English and looking for A Letter To God Extra Questions from the book “First Flight”, the story “A Letter to God” is probably the first chapter you will encounter. It is a gripping tale of a farmer named Lencho, who writes a letter to God for help after his crops are destroyed by a hailstorm. In this post, additional questions related to the story have been included which are necessary for the students from the exam point of view.
These questions cover important aspects of the story, such as Lencho’s character, why he writes the second letter to God, and how the postmaster helps him. As an NCERT English student, these questions are valuable for your understanding and mastery of the chapter. You will deepen your understanding of the story, its themes, and characters by answering them. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your learning experience!
A Letter To God Extra Questions Long Type
Q.1 Why did Lencho write a letter to god? (A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
Ans. Lecho was a farmer. He had a crop of ripe corn in his fields. He expected to have a good harvest this year because his crop had a large number of flowers on it. But his fields needed rain this time. When it rained heavily, he became very happy. But suddenly the rain changed into a hailstorm. It destroyed his fields completely. He became very sad after seeing the destruction caused by the storm. Now he was worried about his future. He wondered how he would survive that year. Now he had a single hope from God. In order to get help from God, he wrote a letter to God. He demanded 100 pesos of help from God to survive until his next crop came.
(A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
Q. 2 Why did Lencho write a second letter to god?
Ans. Lencho wrote a letter to God to get help. His crop was totally destroyed by a hailstorm. So he demanded 100 pesos from God to survive. But when he received a letter signed with ‘god’, he got only seventy pesos. He got angry. He thought that God couldn’t make a mistake nor He denied his request. It meant the post office employees had taken the rest of the money. So he wrote a second letter to God only to instruct him that the rest of the money not be sent through the mail.
(A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
Q. 3 Draw the character sketch of Lencho. (A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
Ans: Lencho is a farmer. He has a family. He is very hard-working. He knows how to write. He predicts rain and it falls. He judges the situation well. He has strong faith in God. He is not surprised at getting part of the requested money. He misjudges the helpers and calls them crooks.
Q.4 How did the postmaster help Lencho? (A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
Ans. The postmaster was a kind-hearted man. When he came to about the miserable condition of Lencho through his letter to God, he at once decided to help Lencho. Lencho demands a hundred pesos from God in his letter. The postmaster tried to collect that sum by requesting his employees, his friends, and himself to give some part of his salary. He gave the whole money to Lencho through a letter.
(A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
A Letter To God Extra Questions Short Type

(A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
Q.1. How did rain affect Lencho’s life? (A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
Ans. The rain brought hailstones which ruined Lencho’s crops. Lencho was a poor farmer. He couldn’t afford this loss. He had nothing to sow his fields again and survive for the whole year. He was in distress. His future was also bleak.
Q.2. Was Lencho surprised to find a letter with money in it? Why/Why not?
Ans. Lencho was not surprised when he received an envelope having money in it. It was so because he had full faith in God. He thought God had sent him the money.
Q.3 Why was Lencho angry? And what did he do?
Ans. Lencho got 70 pesos instead of 100. This made him angry. He wrote another letter to God demanding the rest of the money but not through the post office as the postal staff was dishonest.
Q.4. Why did the postmaster laugh at the letter addressed to God by Lencho?
Ans. No one had ever posted a letter to God. So it was natural for the postmaster to laugh at it. He could not suppress his feelings when others in the post office made fun of Lencho’s letter.
Q5. What made the postmaster decide to come to Lencho’s help?
Ans. The postmaster was highly impressed by the kind of faith Lencho had in God. He thought his faith should not get shaken. So he decided to come to Lencho’s help.
Q6. How did the postmaster collect the money? And what for?
Ans. The postmaster asked his colleagues and friends to contribute to this act of charity. He himself gave a part of his salary. The money was to be given to Lencho so that he might not lose his faith in God.
Q.7. What kind of person was Lencho? (A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
Ans. Lencho was a simple, hard-working person. He was completely obsessed with his faith in God. But like others, he had a lack of faith in other human beings.
Q.8. People get support from family and friends during bad times. How does Lencho’s family behave after the harvest is ruined?
Ans. Lencho’s family was distressed after the crop was destroyed by a hailstorm. They expressed firm faith in God. They believed that no one dies of hunger.
Q.9. Lencho was an ox of a man, working like an animal in the fields, but still he knew how to write. What does this line tell us about the norm amongst such farmers, then?
Ans. This line tells that along with requisite physical strength, the farmers believed in gaining basic education so that they can correspond or communicate with others.
Q.10. What, according to you would have been the likely reaction of Lencho’s wife upon knowing about him writing an actual letter to God?
Ans. According to me, Lencho’s wife would have expressed utter disbelief as writing a letter to God and expecting it to reach him is foolish:
Q11. Lencho waited eagerly for a reply to his letter to God. Do you think the postmaster was also very keen to know Lencho’s reaction upon receiving the ‘reply?
Ans. Yes, he was keen as he looked upon Lencho from his office when the postman handed him the letter which had money in it. There was a look of contentment as he had done a good deed.
A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English in 40-60 words:-
(A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
Q.1. Where was Lencho’s house situated? Why did he sit seeing the sky?
Ans. Lencho’s house, the only one in the entire valley, was situated on the crest of a low hill. He was a hardworking farmer who knew his fields very well.
Throughout the morning Lencho sat seeing the sky, expecting a downpour which his fields needed for a good harvest.
Q.2. “These are not raindrops falling from the sky, they are new coins. The big drops are ten-cent pieces and the little ones are fives. Why did Lencho use this statement?
Ans. Lencho was excited to see the raindrops draping his fields. He felt satisfied with the prospects of a rich harvest. It appeared to him that each big drop of the rain was worth ten cent piece and the little one was five. He was sure of a rich crop with the timely rain.
Q.3 What happened to Lencho’s fields after the heavy storm?
Ans. Lencho had high hopes of a rich harvest that year. When he saw the raindrops washing his crops, he was elated. But as the rain was followed soon by the hailstorm that flattened his standing crops, he was dismayed. His field was white as if covered with salt. The corn was totally destroyed.
Q.4. Why did Lencho feel sad after the heavy storm?
Ans. Lencho had hopes of reaping a rich harvest. He was very happy when the rain quenched the thirst of his crop. But no sooner did the heavy hailstorm hit his fields of standing crops than he felt sad and depressed. All his hopes were dashed to the ground.
(A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
Q.5 How did Lencho’s hope change to despair?
Ans. Lencho’s livelihood depended only on the harvest that he reaped from his fields. But when the severe hailstorm struck his fields which were completely destroyed, all his hopes changed to despair as there was nothing left in the field.
(A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
Q.6. Why was Lencho pleased with the raindrops and displeased with the hails?
Ans. Lencho was satisfied that the raindrops would result in a rich harvest. He compared the raindrops to cents But when the hails fell like stones, the crops were severely hit. He was displeased as he feared his crops would be damaged and the prospects of rich crops would be bleak.
Q.7, Lencho and his family had a single hope. Why? What was it?
Ans. After the hailstorm that destroyed the crops completely with no grain left to glean, Lencho was in utter despair. There was none to console him. The only hope that remained was the help from God. It is God who really feeds us in our total loss. His help is the only succour in our despair.
(A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
Q.8 What did the postmaster do to keep the faith of Lencho?
Ans. The postmaster, who was surprised to receive Lencho’s letter addressed to God for a hundred pesos, wished to be of help. In order to keep the faith of Lencho in God, the postmaster received some contribution from his colleagues, and with his own contribution, sent it to Lencho to help him in his hour of need.
Q.9. Did Lencho try to find out who sent the money to him? Why/Why not?
Ans. Lencho did not try to find out who had sent the money to him. He had no doubt that God had sent him the money. So, there was no question of trying to find who had sent the money. Moreover, it was not at all desirable to know all about it.
(A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
Q.10 Who does Lencho think has taken the rest of the money? What is the irony in the situation?
Ans. Lencho thinks that the post office people have taken the rest of the money sent to him by God. That is why, he has received seventy pesos instead of a hundred. The Irony involved in the situation is that the post office people send these seventy pesos.
(A Letter To God Extra Questions-NCERT English)
A Letter To God Question Answers
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