A Thing Of Beauty Explanation English Class 12

A Thing of Beauty explanation stanza by stanza is available here in the post, a thing of beauty explanation line by line is drafted here in easy and simple language so that every student can easily understand it.

A Thing Of Beauty Explanation


Stanza- 1 (A Thing Of Beauty Explanation)

A thing of beauty is a joy forever 
Its loveliness increases, it will never 
Pass into nothingness, but will keep 
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep 
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing. 
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing 
A flowery band to bind us to the earth


Reference:-  These lines have been taken from the poem, “ A Thing of Beauty” composed by John Keats.

Context – The poet describes the effect of beautiful things which give us immense joy and happiness.

Explanation- John Keats says that “a thing of beauty” gives permanent joy or happiness. Every time we see different aspects of it. Its loveliness increases with the passage of time. When it is not physically present, still its memory delights us. The happiness derived from objects of beauty will never end. Like any great work of art, its value increases with time.

So this beauty remains fresh, appealing, and everlasting. This effect of beauty will keep a peaceful area for us, in which stress and troublesome thoughts cannot intrude. “Bower” means peaceful and shady place. Just like a bower provides peace and tranquility, similarly objects of beauty will shield us from the problems of the world.

When we are relaxed and tension-free then obviously we will enjoy a good sound sleep, good health, and respite from our anxieties and worries. So objects of beauty act like a bower to save us from the onslaught of problems, thus leading to good health. In order to obtain the pleasure derived from objects of beauty, every day we try to forge(सशक्त बनाना ) new ties with Nature and Earth. “Flowery bands” is used as a metaphor to describe our relationship with nature, which is pleasant and sweet.

“Wreath” means a circular arrangement of flowers. So every day we try to make our relationship with nature more endearing and sweet, to sustain us through problems and setbacks. Basically, the poet is saying that due to such beautiful objects of beauty, our relationship with nature gets deeper and deeper and makes life so attractive to us. Then objects of beauty revive our faith in life and rejuvenate (फिर से युवा करना) and sustain us despite the trials and tribulations (समस्याएं) of this world.

Stanza- 2 (A Thing Of Beauty Explanation)

Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth 
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days, 
Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways 
Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all, 
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall 
From our dark spirits.


Reference:-  These lines have been taken from the poem, “ A Thing of Beauty” composed by John Keats.

Context – In these lines, the poet explains how the beauty of beautiful things suppresses the pains and sufferings of our lives. 

Explanation:-The poet states that the world is full of despair and there is a real lack of noble people. There is disappointment and corrupting influence in our life and many days are very depressing. There is a severe dearth (कमी) of noble nature because man has moved away from the ennobling influence of nature. We are constantly searching for meaning in life and the purpose of our existence.

The poet mainly means to say that there is evil and darkness in the corrupt world of ours. The things of beauty come to our help by cheering us, removing unhappiness, and making this world a worthy place to live in. Man strives and struggles to find a way out of this darkness and gloom, in spite of experiencing gloom and remorse, (पछतावा) by seeing beauty in one form or the other. Objects of beauty drive away our sadness and depression in one way or the other. 

Stanza- 3 (A Thing Of Beauty Explanation)

Such the sun, the moon, Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils 
With the green world they live in; and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make 
‘Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake, 
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms;


Reference:-  These lines have been taken from the poem, “ A Thing of Beauty” composed by John Keats.

Context – In these lines, the poet explains several beautiful things around us and how we enjoy them. 

Explanation:-This part of the poem gives us examples of the objects of beauty that God has created for us. These are the sun, the moon, and young and old trees which offer shade to sheep. Then there are beautiful flowers like daffodils which grow in pastures or meadows. The clear water of the rivers gives a cooling and pleasant experience to save us from the hot and unpleasant summers. “Covert” means a sheltering place. The green fern looks attractive and divine with the generous scattering of musk roses. So we should be thankful to God for such a wide variety of beautiful objects to give us pleasure.

Stanza- 4 (A Thing Of Beauty Explanation)

And such too is the grandeur of the dooms 
We have imagined for the mighty dead; 
All lovely tales that we have heard or read; 
An endless fountain of immortal drink, 
Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink


Reference:-  These lines have been taken from the poem, “ A Thing of Beauty” composed by John Keats.

Context – In these lines, the poet explains the everlasting impact of beautiful things on us.

Explanation- In this stanza, the poet makes a comparison between the pleasure derived from the objects of beauty and the pride that we experience after reading heroic tales of brave heroes.
“Mighty dead” are those great men or warriors who glorified (गौरवान्वित करना) death by embracing ( गले लगाना ) it most magnificently and gracefully. “Grandeur of the dooms” refers to the tragic stories of the heroes who showed bravery in epic battles and are now immortalised (अमर होना) in our memories.

These stories inspire us and fill us with great courage. Similarly, the pleasure derived from objects of beauty is like an endless fountain that is permanent like nectar (“immortal drink” अमृत ). Beauty in all respects is a permanent source of motivation and joy and it is like an endless fountain from where we can drink the immortal elixir (अमृत ) of life. This joy comes to us from heaven, from God. The poet wishes to say that these beautiful things are metaphorically like an endless source of nectar that comes to us from heaven bringing eternal joy for the soul’s grandeur.

A Thing of Beauty Poetic Devices

1. Metaphors


bower quiet: a peaceful and relaxing place 

flowery band: a pleasant link or bond

unhealthy and over-darkened ways: evils and trials and tribulations of life. 

an endless fountain of immortal drink: beauty is a permanent source of joy for us, like nectar.

2. Alliteration

Definition- (Repetition of the same sound is called Alliteration)


noble nature

cooling covert

band to bind

3. Archaism

Definition- (A word or phrase that is no longer used in actual speech.)



4. Personification


inhuman dearth

shape of beauty

5. Transferred Epithet: 

Definition- (It is an adjective used to describe a noun to which normally it does not refer.)


gloomy days

unhealthy and over-darkened ways

6. Imagery


flowery wreaths, shady boon, green world, clear rills, cooling covert

7. Metonymy

Definition- (The substitution of a term naming an object closely associated with the word in mind for the word itself, eg. city for inhabitants.)


hot season is used for summers

green world is used for nature 

8. Rhyme Scheme

Definition-The poem is written in couples;


forever: never;

keep: sleep

Read More About the Poem

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