A Triumph of Surgery Question Answer Class 10 Footprints without feet

Dear Students in this post You will find A Triumph of Surgery Question Answer of Class 10 from Footprints without Feet book. These questions are solved in very easy language of upcoming NCERT Exams.

Ch 1 A Triumph of Surgery Question Answer

Q.1  Why is Mrs Pumphrey worried about Trichy? 

Ans– Mrs Pumphrey is worried about Tricki because it has become hugely fat. Its eyes are blood red and rheumy. Its tongue lolls down its jaws. It seemed he had no energy.

Q.2 What does Mrs. do to help him? Is Mrs Pumphrey wise in this?

Ans:- To help Tricki and make him more energetic, she starts giving him a little extra between the meals like some malt, cod liver oil, and a bowl of Horlicks at night. 

No, I don’t think Mrs Pumphrey is wise in this. All this overfeeding made him terribly sick.

Q.3  Who does ‘I’ refer to in this story?

Ans:- In this story ‘I’ refers to the author, Mr. Herriot, a veterinary surgeon. He cured Mrs Pumphrey’s pet dog, Tricki, later.

Q.4  Is the narrator as rich as Tricki’s mistress? 

Ans:- No, the narrator is not as rich as Tricki’s mistress because he could not afford to take egg and wine during the meal.

Q.5. How does he treat the dog?

Ans:- He takes the dog, Tricki, to his surgery. There he does not give much food to it. He keeps it on a strict diet. He keeps it under observation. He gave it only plenty of water and exercise.

Q.6  Why is the author, Mr Herriot, tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest?

Ans:- Mr Herriot tells Mrs Pumphrey on the phone that Tricki has started recovering. So Mrs. Pumphrey starts sending eggs, wine etc. for Tricki to give him extra strength. Mr Herriot does not feel it wise to give these to Tricki. He enjoys these. So, He is tempted to keep Tricki.

Q.7 Why does Mrs Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is “a triumph of surgery”?

Ans:- When Mrs Pumphrey admitted Tricki to the hospital for surgery, he was suffering from serious health issues. Mr Herriot gives him the right treatment. After fifteen days, Mrs Pumphrey finds her pet fully recovered. She thinks that Tricki has been transformed by surgery.

Thinking about A Triumph of Surgery Question Answer:-

Q.1 What kind of person do you think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon, is? Would you say he is tactful as well as full of common sense?

Ans–  I think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon, is a very practical man. He is a  tactful person. He is a kind-hearted and jovial kind of fellow. He at once understands Tricki’s illness. It was due to overfeeding. He cured Tricki by giving him no food but plenty of water and exercise. This proves that he is full of common sense.

Q.2 Do you think Tricks was happy to go home? What do you think will happen now?

Ans– Yes, Tricki was happy to go home. When Mrs Pumphrey comes to the surgery to take Tricki home, it jumps into her lap and licks her face. 

I think Mrs Pumphrey will again give Tricki a lot of food. It would grow sick again due to over-eating and no exercise

A Triumph of Surgery Extra Question Answer

Q.1 What was wrong with Tricki as found by the author after the examination?

Ans. After examination, the author found that Tricki’s greediness was his only fault. It ate too much. It did no physical exercise.

Q. 2 Why were the household dogs not interested in Tricki initially? 

Ans. Tricki was a newcomer in the house. Moreover, Tricki was very lethargic to play with them. He was not comfortable there. But a few days later, Tricki started enjoying it. He became an accepted member of the group.

Q.3 What was Mr Herriot’s strict advice? Did Mrs Pumphrey heed his advice? 

Ans. Mr Herriot’s strict advice was to cut down on sweet things and to give him plenty of exercise. But Mrs Pumphrey did not pay attention to this advice. She thought Trick was weak. So she was giving him cakes and chocolates.


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