Deep Water Summary Class 12

Read ‘Deep Water summary’ from the Class 12 Flamingo book. Reading the summary is helpful for exams because sometimes direct questions are asked from it. So, students should make sure to read the summary of each chapter.”

Deep water Summary in Short

When the author was ten or eleven years old, he decided to learn swimming. He had an aversion to water from the beginning. But he went to Y.M.C.A. swimming pool because it was a safe place. He began to learn swimming with his water wings. One day he went to the swimming pool. An eighteen year old strong boy came there and threw the author into the deep water. He narrowly escaped death. He grew extremely afraid of water. But he had come to know that death itself is not frightening. It is the fear of death that is frightening. He decided to do away with his fear of water. He started afresh and became an accomplished swimmer.

Deep water Summary in Hindi

जब लेखक दस-ग्यारह वर्ष का था, उसने तैरना सीखने का निश्चय किया । शुरू से ही उसे पानी से अरुचि थी । किन्तु वह Y.M.C.A. तरणताल गया क्योंकि यह एक सुरक्षित स्थान था । अपने जल-पंखों की सहायता से उसने तैरना सीखना शुरू किया। एक दिन वह तरणताल पर गया । एक अठारह वर्षीय हट्टा-कट्टा लड़का वहाँ आया और उसने लेखक को गहरे पानी में फेंक दिया। वह मरते-मरते बचा। उसे पानी से अत्यधिक भय लगने लगा । परन्तु वह यह जान गया कि स्वयं मृत्यु डरावनी नहीं है । मृत्यु का भय डरावना है। उसने अपने पानी के भय से मुक्ति पाने का निश्चय किया । उसने नये सिरे से शुरू किया और एक कुशल तैराक बन गया ।

Deep water Summary in Detail

In this chapter, the author draws an autobiographical event When he was about ten years old, he decided to learn swimming. However, he was averse to going in water from the beginning, But he went to Y.M.C.A pool to learn swimming because it was safe for swimming. He began to learn swimming with the help of his water wings. One day when he was alone in the pool, a big bruiser boy came and put him in his arms and threw him into the deep water. That day the author narrowly escaped death.

From that day he became extremely afraid of water. But he learned that death itself is not scary, the fear of death is scary. Then he decided to learn swimming and achieved mastery in swimming with a lot of hard work and dedication. And after that, he also gained experience of swimming in different places of the world. Thus he finally conquered his fear.

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