Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers

Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers and Extra Questions are available in this post. Students who are seeking solutions for the chapter Going Places can check this post and fulfill their needs, Take a look at the TABLE OF CONTENS for help and shortcuts.

Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers

Q.1 Where was it most likely that the two girls would find work after school,?

Ans. There were only a few months left when both Sophie and Jansie would pass out from school. Jansie knew that they were both ‘earmarked for the biscuit factory’. It was also possible that they could get some work in a shop. In spite of Sophie’s wild dreams, Jansie knew what they were earmarked for.

Q.2 What were the options that Sophie was dreaming of? Why does Jansie discourage her from having such dreams? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Sophie wanted to open a boutique, be a fashion designer or an actress. Jansie reminded Sophie of her financial constraints and the fact that they had to work in a biscuit factory. Jansie wanted Sophie to be realistic and not think or dream of something that was not possible and would cause her pain later.

Q.3 Why did Sophie wriggle when Geoff told her father that she had met Danny Casey? 

Ans. Sophie knew her father would be angry to know of her story of having met Danny Casey. When Geoff mentioned it to their father, she expected a scolding. She simply shrugged without sounding affirmative about her meeting.

Q.4 Did Geoff believe what Sophie says about her meeting with Danny Casey? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Geoff found it hard to believe that Sophie could have met Danny. But when she described the meeting with minute details, very visually, he pretended to believe her. Geoff loved his sister and was the only one who never really mocked her. So he gave Sophie’s story, the benefit of the doubt.

Q.5 Does her father believe her story? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. No, Sophie’s father doesn’t believe her story. No doubt, he is crazy and a great fan of young Danny Casey. But when Geoff tells him that Sophie met Danny Casey, his father turns his head to look at her. He ignores her totally. He thinks that this is another of her ‘wild story’.

Q.6. How does Sophie include her brother Geoff in her fantasy of her future?  (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Since Geoff was always reticent, ( कम बोलने वाला) Sophie believed that Geoff thought of an exotic world with strange people. She believed that one day she would go riding into his dream world, he like a knight in shining armour and she would be in a loose flying garment. They both would be applauded and welcomed warmly to that world.

Q.7 Which country did Danny Casey play for? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Danny Casey played for United.

Q.8. Why didn’t Sophie want Jansie to know about her story with Danny? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

 Ans. Jansie was the only one who could have known that Sophie had never met Danny. So she was shocked when this story became known to Jansie through Geoff. Jansie was “nosey” and Sophie was worried that she would gossip about it in the entire neighbourhood.

Q.9 Did Sophie really meet Danny Casey? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. No, Sophie didn’t really meet Danny Casey. She was very much fascinated by the young Irish footballer. She imagined him coming to meet her. She sat there waiting for Casey. She knew that he would not come. She felt sad and disappointed. She was always lost in a dreamy world where she imagined nothing but Casey.

Q.10. Which was the only occasion when she got to see Danny Casey in person? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Answer She saw Danny in person only on one occasion. The family went to watch United on Saturday. She watched how United won two-nil. Her idol Casey drove in the second goal. She saw how he goaled, beating the goalkeeper. Sophie glowed with pride.

Q. 11. Sophie and Jansie were classmates and friends. What were the differences between them that show up in the story? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Sophie was an incorrigible escapist who enjoyed remaining in a world of fantasy. She had no touch of reality and thought she could be a designer, boutique owner, actress and go on date with Danny in one go. She was romantic and immature. Jansie was down-to-earth, practical and very mature. Jansie was firmly grounded to reality and always kept reminding her friend Sophie about financial problems.

Q.12 How would you describe the character and temperament of Sophie’s father? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. A.R. Barton draws Sophie’s father in parts. He gives a ‘sketchy’ picture of his character and temperament. He has a plumpy face looking grimy and sweaty. He doesn’t seem to be a soft or sophisticated man. On the other hand, he gives a picture of aggressive manliness. Sophie seems to fear him. He doesn’t believe in his daughter’s ‘wild stories’. He is a crazy football fan of Irish footballer Casey.

Sophie’s father knows his daughter well. He ignores her completely and goes on to watch the television. Sophie’s father is in his true element when he talks of football. He hopes that Casey may be even better than Tom Finny. On Saturday, he goes to watch United with Sophie, Geoff and little Derek. United wins two-nil and Casey drives in the second goal. He goes to a pub to celebrate the victory.

Q.13 Why did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than any other person? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Sophie likes her brother Geoff more than any other person in the world. She can open her heart to him. She knows that Geoff is the person who can listen to her ‘wild stories’. Her father is too bossy and aggressive. He hates Sophie’s fantastic stories. Jansie is her classmate and friend. But Jansie is ‘nosey’. She can’t be trusted. But Geoff can be trusted to keep all Sophie’s secrets to himself.

Sophie likes and loves Geoff very much. She is jealous of his silence. Geoff is always the first to share her interests. In his own way he tries to tell her that ‘Casey must have strings of girls’. He would never show up again. But he does so in a manner that may not break the young heart of a day-dreamer.

Q.14 . What socio-economic background did Sophie belong to? What are the indicators of her family’s financial status?

Answer  We can make a general assessment of socio-economic background of Sophie and her family. They belong to a lower middle class family. Jansie and Sophie are classmates and friends. Sophie is an escapist. She dreams of things that she can’t get in real life. She dreams of opening a boutique and becoming a fashion designer. Jansie knows that they are both earmarked for the biscuit factory. Sophie’s wild dreams need a lot of money. Little Derek understands his unrealistic sister well. 

Her socio-economic background is reflected by her brother Geoff’s occupation. He is an apprentice mechanic. He travels to his work each day to the far side of the city. His jacket is shapeless. Her father lacks sophistication. He grunts and tosses one of little Derek’s shoes from his chair onto the sofa. The family doesn’t own a servant or a car. All these things confirm that they belong to a lower-income group.

Going Places Class 12 Extra Questions And Answers

(Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Q.1 What does Sophie tell Geoff regarding her meeting with Danny Casey? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Sophie told Geoff that she had met Danny Casey outside the Royce. She spoke first and asked him whether he was Danny Casey. He looked surprised. She knew that it was him from his accent. She asked him for his autograph but could not get it because none of them had a pen or paper.

Q.2. Why did Sophie go near the canal? What was the result? Why was his match like a “pilgrimage”? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

 Ans. Sophie went near the canal for an imaginary date with Danny Casey. She kept waiting, imagining his coming, talking to herself, wondering what would she tell her brother Geoff and feeling sad.

 His match was like a pilgrimage because she could see her idol, every Saturday, playing football.

Q.3. Describe the craze of Sophie’s family for Danny Casey. (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Sophie’s family was crazy for the football prodigy Danny Casey. Every Saturday, the family went to watch the football match and were ecstatic (अति प्रसन्‍न) to see him win. Sophie glowed with pride while her father kept screaming for him to pass. Later he went to the pub to celebrate.

Q.4. How did Sophie’s family react when she announced that she planned to open a boutique? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Sophie’s father aggressively told Sophie to buy them a decent house when she expressed her desire to open a boutique. Her little brother Derek mocked at her by saying that “money grows on trees.” Her mother sighed to convey that her dream was unapproachable. ( पहुंच से बाहर)

 Q.5. Sophie said about Geoff, “Words had to prize out of him like stones out of the ground.” What does this reflect about Geoff?  (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Sophie’s observation tells us that Geoff was a practical-minded, serious and reserved kind of man. He was a man of few words who knew the condition of his family quite well.

Q.6. What does Sophie mean by saying “This was a Geoff thing, not a Jansie thing”? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Whenever Sophie shared her daydreaming with Geoff, she knew it could only be told to Geoff, not Jansie. Geoff would keep her secret. He could be trusted as he was a man of few words but Jansie was a gossip monger. She would tell her secret to the whole neighbourhood.

Q.7. What explanation did Sophie offer to Jansie, when the latter discovered her story of having met Danny Casey? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Sophie told Jansie that she didn’t want to share her secret about Danny with anyone because there would be a fight in her house if her dad got to hear about it. She was scared of her father so much that she thought he would murder her.

Q.8. How are Sophie and Jansie so different from each other? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Sophie is too imaginative and far removed from the world of reality. She is impractical and does not realise that she is destined to work in a biscuit factory. She uselessly dreams of opening a boutique or being an actress. Jansie is practical, and down to earth and she tries her best to dissuade (रोकना) Sophie from such fantasies.

Q.9. Describe Sophie’s fascination for the world of glamour. (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Sophie plans to open a very classy boutique, which would mostly be frequented by celebrities. She also wishes to be a fashion designer or an actress. Her real life is too drab and dull, so this world with its riches and glory attracted her.

Q.10. Why did Sophie feel “a tightening in her throat” the moment she entered her house? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Sophie was planning to open a boutique, be a fashion designer and have loads of money. The moment she entered her house, she saw the dirt, the grime and the poverty, and all her imagination vanished. Her momentary happiness was dashed to pieces.

Q.11. Why did Sophie suspect areas of Geoff’s life about which she knew nothing? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Geoff was too silent. He remained isolated. Though he loved Sophie more than other members of the family, still he never confided in her. Sophie believed that just as she had created a world of imagination for herself, even he must be going to those places, where she had never been, even if it was only imagination.

Q.12. Why was Sophie fascinated by Danny Casey? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Danny was the Irish prodigy, the latest craze among the Irish people. His ability to score goals in football was well known. He was a teen craze among all youngsters and even Geoff had his blow-up in his room.

Q.13. What kind of satisfaction did Sophie achieve for creating a world of imagination? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Sophie did not wish to lay embroiled in her poor and unexciting world. Thinking about Danny Casey gave her momentary pleasure which was growing as a habit. Finally, she reaches a stage where she cannot control her fantasies. Her desire to escape, made her forget the reality.

Q.14. What place did Sophie choose to meet Danny Casey?(Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. The place, next to the wharf was Sophie’s favourite childhood haunt. It was far from the din of the world. It was a perfect place for the meeting of lovers. Sophie wanted a perfect setting for her date, even if it was imaginary.

15. What details did Sophie share with Geoff about her meeting with Danny Casey? (Going Places Class 12 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Sophie told Geoff that Danny just came and stood next to her in a shopping arcade. He had gentle green eyes and he wasn’t very tall. She also told her brother later that Danny had told her that he did not have any girl friend and that he had asked her for a date.

Going Places Class 12 Summary and Theme

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