The Ailing Planet Class 11 Question Answer

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ChapterThe Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role

By Nani Palkhivala

The Ailing Planet Class 11 Question Answer


Q.1  Locate the lines in the text that support the title ‘The Ailing Planet’.

Ans.  (i) The earth’s vital signs reveal a patient in declining health.

 (ii) Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes and ailing environment?

 (iii) The environment has deteriorated so badly that it is ‘critical’ in many of the eighty-eight countries investigated.

Q.2. What does the notice ‘The world’s most dangerous animal’ at a cage in the zoo at Lusaka, Zambia, signify?

Ans. It signifies that the greatest threat to our world is not an animal found in the zoo but the man himself. It is the man who is proving a threat to the very existence of the earth, his greed depleting its resources and making it a desert, ailing and impoverished.

Q.3 How are the earth’s principal biological systems being depleted? (The Ailing Planet Class 11 Question Answer)

Ans. Mr Lester Brown pointed out in his book that the earth has four principal biological systems: fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands. They form the foundation of the global economic system. They provide not only food but also raw materials for our industry except minerals. However, men’s constant demands on these have led them to an unsustainable level. Overfishing, decimating forests, and vanishing grasslands are forcing certain species to disappear. Forests have been destroyed to provide firewood and wood. Grasslands and woodlands have turned into deserts and wasteland. The world is losing its forests at the rate of 3.7 million acres a year.

Q.4. Why does the author aver that the growth of world population is one of the strongest factors distorting the future of human society?

Ans. There is no doubt that the growth of population poses the biggest threat to our earth. From one billion in 1800, it has reached 7.6 billion in May 2018. It is estimated that every four days the population increases by one million now.

No progress or development can survive against this growing population. Unless population control is given topmost priority, no progress can ever be made in any field. The choice before the world is either control the population or allow poverty to go on increasing.

The Ailing Planet Class 11 Question Answer


Q.1. Laws are never respected nor enforced in India. Justify  (The Ailing Planet Class 11 Question Answer)

 Ans. Very true. People totally ignore all laws and continue to plunder our precious resources with impunity, Article 48A of our Constitution says that the State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and safeguard the forests and wildlife of our country. Hence there are laws for the protection of forests and wildlife. Local forests are destroyed to obtain firewood for cooking.

Many species face extinction due to the plundering of our natural resources and wealth. The law seems to have no power. Our tropical forests “the powerhouse of evolution” face extinction as a result of sheer destruction. We are losing our forest wealth at the rate of forty to fifty million acres a year. The same is happening to our grasslands and croplands. The inability of laws to protect our national resources has deteriorated the environment and the condition has become critical.

Q.2. “Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes and an ailing environment?”


 “We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children.” (The Ailing Planet Class 11 Question Answer)

Ans  The statement means that man thinks he is the master of the world. He can plunder and ruin all its natural resources at will. He has to remember that he is only a tenant, not an owner and that the earth belongs to the coming generation also. Just as our forefathers left the world rich enough for us to live in it, in the same manner, we have to leave it for our children to live in it. We cannot damage or degrade the ecology and environment by misusing it. 

Q.4. The problems of overpopulation that directly affect our everyday life. (The Ailing Planet Class 11 Question Answer)

Ans. There is no choice left for man. He will have to choose between population control or perpetual poverty. Growing population leads to unemployment and poverty. Progress and development cannot cope with a population rate that adds one million every four days. Resources get depleted faster than they are added to less food, less education. overcrowding everywhere-trains, planes soaring prices, Poverty leads to diseases and ill health.

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