The Laburnum Top Questions and Answers for Class 11 are available here in this post. This post has been prepared by our proficient team. Students are advised to write down and learn them by heart.
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The Laburnum Top Questions and Answers
The Laburnum Top Questions and Answers
Q.1. What do you notice about the beginning and the ending of the poem?
Ans. The laburnum top is silent and still at the beginning of the poem. There is no movement. At the end of the poem, after the goldfinch flies away, the tree is empty and silent again.
Q.2. To what is the bird’s movement compared? What is the basis for the comparison?
Ans. The bird’s movement is compared to that of a lizard. Like a lizard, the bird’s movement is first smooth, and then abrupt and alert. The basis for the comparison is the way in which both the bird and the lizard move.
Q.3. Why is the image of the engine evoked by the poet?
Ans. The family of the goldfinch have a nest in the laburnum, and as soon as the goldfinch reaches its thickness, the tree comes to life. The goldfinch’s family is the engine that runs the machine, the laburnum tree, by filling it with a noise and activities.
Like the tree, the goldfinch is the engine of her family because, without her, her family cannot survive.
Q.4. What do you like most about the poem?
Ans. One thing that stands out in the poem is the usage of words. The poem visually describes the atmosphere surrounding the laburnum tree. Words like ‘chirrup’, ‘chitterings’, ‘trillings’ and ‘whispering’ are sound words, also known as onomatopoeia. Words like ‘starts’, ‘trembles’, ‘whisperings’ and ‘whistle’ create a audio-visual effect.
Q.5. What does the phrase “her barred face identity mask” mean?
Ans. Her barred face identity mask means that the striped face of the goldfinch is her identity mask. The distinctive markings make her face look like it has bars on it. She remains hidden in the thickness and when she reaches the branch-end, her striped face becomes visible that makes her recognisable.
The Laburnum Top Questions and Answers
Read- The Laburnum Top Summary