Unseen Passage for Class 12 With Solution

The Topic of Unseen Passage for Class 12 or Reading Comprehension For Class 12 With Solution is available here in this post. These passages are important for the point of examination of NCERT and CBSE examinations. we select these passages from various examinations held by different examination boards like NCERT, CBSE, and RBSE

Unseen Passage For Class 12 – Passage 1

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for Class 12 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:- 

Half Yearly Exam 2023-24

A priest, of a famous temple on a high hill in Assam, was widely known and respected to be a great scholar. When he was on his death-bed, he called the trustee of the temple and told him to select and appoint only a “human being as his successor. After his death, a day was set for the selection of the new priest. On the scheduled day, starting at dawn, the aspirants started trekking the steep and torturous climb to the temple.

As the route to the temple was difficult; full of thorns and stones, many aspirants got minor cuts and bruises on their feet and hands. After breakfast, the selection process started. The trustee asked all the aspirants to recite difficult ‘Shlokas’ or verses from the sacred texts. He explained to them various procedures of the priesthood.

By afternoon, as the selection process was about to end, one young man walked slowly into the temple. The trustee noticed him and asked, “Young man, you are very late. What took you so long? Why are your clothes torn? Why are your feet bleeding?” The young man replied, “I know, Sir, I am late and so I cannot participate.

But please let me rest a while and let my wounds be treated. Then I will go back.” But the trustee was curious. He asked again, “How did you get hurt so badly, did you follow the same route as the others?”, “Yes, Sir, I did”, replied the young man, “But I thought, I must remove all the thorns and sharp stones from the path so that when people come to pray in this temple, they must not get hurt. That is why I got late and hurt myself badly. I apologize for the delay and it will not be fair to the others if I participated.”

The trustee heard him intently, smiled and said, “Congratulations! You have been chosen. You are a true ‘human being’ to be the successor of our holy priest.” This statement infuriated the other participants. They demanded, “What do you mean? Are we not human?”

The trustee replied, “Our old priest used to say that even animals know how to watch for their self-interest; they know how to avoid dangers, how to search for food but. Only a ‘human being’ knows how to care for others.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 12 and answer them.

Q.1 Where was the famous temple situated?

Q.2 When did the selection process start?

Q.3 What did the trustee ask to do in the selection test to the aspirants?

Q.4 How did the young man get hurt badly?

Q.5 Why were the aspirants infuriated?

Q.6 Why was the young man selected as the new priest of the temple? 

Find out words from the passage that mean:

Q.7 The persons who are ambitious and want to aspire to something.

Q.8 A person who follows next in order.

Q.9 Make excuses by reasoning or expressing regret


Ans.1 – The famous temple was situated on a high hill in Assam.

Ans.2 – The selection process began after breakfast on the scheduled day, starting at dawn and continuing until the afternoon.

Ans.3 – In the selection test, the trustee asked the aspirants to recite difficult ‘Shlokas’ or verses from the sacred texts.

Ans.4 – The young man got hurt badly because he took extra time to remove thorns and sharp stones from the path to the temple, ensuring that people coming to pray would not get hurt.

Ans.5 – The aspirants were infuriated because the young man who arrived late and had visible injuries was chosen as the new priest, seemingly based on his selfless actions rather than their efforts in reciting verses and undergoing the selection process.

Ans.6 – The young man was selected as the new priest because of his selfless act of removing thorns and stones from the path to the temple, showing compassion and care for others.

Ans.7 – The words from the passage that mean “The persons who are ambitious and want to aspire to something” is”aspirants.”

Ans.8 – The word from the passage that means “A person who follows next in order” is “successor.”

Ans.9 – The words from the passage that mean “Make excuses by reasoning or expressing regret” are “apologize”

Unseen Passage For Class 12 – Passage 2

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for Class 12 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:- 

Half Yearly Exam 2023-24

Have you ever failed at something so miserably that the thought of attempting to do it again was the last thing you wanted to do?

If your answer is yes, then you are “not a robots.” we human beings have feelings, emotions, and dreams. We are all meant to grow and stretch despite our circumstances and our limitations. Flourishing and trying to make our dreams come true is great when life is going our way. Out what happens when it’s not? What happens when you fail despite all of your hard work?

Do you stay down and accept the defeat or do you get up again and again until you are satisfied? If you have a tendency to persevere and keep going then you have what experts call, grit. Falling down or failing is one of the most agonising and embarrassing, human experiences. But it is also one of the most educational, empowering, and essential parts of living a successful and fulfilling life.

Did you know that perseverance (grit) is one of the seven qualities that have been described as the key to personal success and betterment in society? The other six are: curiosity, gratitude, optimism, self-control, social intelligence, and zest Thomas Edison is a model for grit for trying 1,000 plus times to invent the light bulb. If you are reading this with the lights on in your room, you know well he succeeded.

When asked why he kept going despite his hundreds of failures, he merely stated that what he had been not failures. There were hundreds of ways not to create a light bulb. This statement not only revealed his grit but also his optimism for looking the bright side.Grit can be learned to help you become more successful.

One of the techniques that helps is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a practice that helps the individual stay in the moment by bringing awareness of his or her experience without judgment. This practice has been used to quiet the noise of their fears and doubts. Through this simple practice of mindfulness, individuals have the ability to stop the Feelings of hopelessness, despair, and frustration.

What did you do to overcome the negative feelings of failure? Reflect on what you did and try to use those some powerful resources to help you today. 

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 12 and answer them.

Q.1 What do human beings have?

Q.2 What a man should do if he fails in his life?

Q.3 By which qualities may a man get success even after his adverse circumstances? 

Q.4  Who invented the light bulb?

Q.5 Choose the word from the passage which is opposite to “Failed“. 

Q.6 Choose the synonyms of “hoper/idealist” from the passage. 


Ans.1 – Human beings have feelings, emotions, and dreams.

Ans.2 – If a man fails in his life, he should persevere, get up again and again until he is satisfied.

Ans.3 – The qualities that may help a man achieve success even after adverse circumstances are perseverance (grit), curiosity, gratitude, optimism, self-control, social intelligence, and zest.

Ans.4 – Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

Ans.5 – The word from the passage that is opposite to “failed” is “succeeded.”

Ans.6 – The synonyms of “hoper/idealist” from the passage could be “optimist”

Unseen Passage For Class 12 – Passage 3

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for Class 12 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:- 

The world is facing a severe climate crisis due to rising temperatures, melting polar ice caps, and extreme weather conditions. Scientists agree that human-caused activities, such as the excessive burning of fossil fuels and continued deforestation, are the primary causes of this crisis. The ill effects of climate change are already being felt by us all over the world, with rising sea levels, a steady increase in the frequency of natural disasters, and changing weather patterns to witness this change.

To face this crisis, many countries have made their commitment to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and adopt renewable energy sources. However, these efforts are not enough. We need to take urgent and strong action to reduce the ill effects of climate change and preserve the planet livable for future generations.

One promising solution could be carbon capture and storage (CCS), a technology that captures carbon dioxide from power plants and other industrial sources and stores it underground. This technology can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help meet climate goals.

Although CCS is not a silver bullet solution, it can play an important role in reducing emissions and building a low-carbon future. However, there are doubts about the safety and effectiveness of this technology, as well as its cost and scalability.

It is essential that we continue to research and invest in climate solutions, including CCS, to mitigate the worst effects of climate change and build a sustainable, safe, and clean future for all.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 12 and answer them.

Q.1 What is the primary cause of the climate crisis according to scientists?

Q.2 What are the effects of climate change?

Q.3 What is carbon capture and storage (CCS)?

Q.4 Can CCS alone solve the climate crisis?

Q.5 What are the concerns about CCS?

Q.6 Why is it essential to explore and invest in a range of climate solutions?

Q.7 What is a similar word to “Emergency ” used in the passage?

Q.8 What is a similar word to “Pledge ” used in the passage?

Q.9 What is the opposite word of “Moderate ” used in the passage?


Ans.1-  Human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation are the primary cause of the climate crisis, according to scientists.

Ans.2-  The effects of climate change include rising sea levels, increased frequency of natural disasters, and changes in weather patterns.

Ans.3-  Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a technology that captures carbon dioxide from power plants and other industrial sources and stores it underground.

Ans.4-  No, CCS is not a silver bullet solution, and urgent and radical action is needed to mitigate the worst effects of climate change.

Ans.5-  The concerns about CCS include its safety and effectiveness, as well as its cost and scalability.

Ans.6-  It is essential to explore and invest in a range of climate solutions to mitigate the worst effects of climate change and create a sustainable future for all.

Ans.7-  Crisis

Ans.8-  Commitment

Ans.9- excessive

Unseen Passage For Class 12 – Passage 4

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for Class 12 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:- 

Education is an important part of human life, today it is difficult to imagine the world without education, education is an important tool to shape the future of man and society. Today’s society needs education more than ever. Education is the key to open doors of opportunity and success for us. Education not only provides knowledge and skills to man but also develops critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving ability in man.

The importance of education can be clearly seen in different sectors of the society. It helps individuals to actively participate in society by providing them with the ability to make appropriate decisions. Education is also an essential link for a person’s economic wealth and development. Education provides individuals with the skills they need to be successful in the workforce and contribute to the economy.

Apart from this, education also plays an important role in promoting social and cultural values. It helps in developing a sense of mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect for diversity among human beings. Education also develops understanding in individuals to understand their rights and responsibilities as important citizens of society.

In today’s fast-paced world, getting an education has become more accessible than ever. Today’s technological age has made it possible to learn from anywhere at any time. Online learning platforms have revolutionized education by bringing quality education to the doorsteps of people from all walks of life.

Lastly, education is important for the all-round development and prosperity of individuals and societies. It imparts the knowledge, skills, and values in human life that are essential for success in today’s world. Therefore it is necessary to promote education and ensure that quality education is accessible to all.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 12 and answer them.

Q.1 What are some of the benefits of education?

Q.2 Why is education essential for economic development?

Q.3 How does education promote mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect for diversity?

Q.4 What are some examples of sectors in which education is important?

Q.5 How has technology made education more accessible?

Q.6 What are some knowledge, skills, and values that education imparts for success in today’s world?

Q.7 What is a synonym for “wealth” mentioned in the passage?

Q.8 What is a synonym for “suitable” mentioned in the passage?

Q.9 What is the opposite of “unnecessary ” mentioned in the passage?


Ans.1- Some benefits of education include providing individuals with knowledge, skills, critical thinking abilities, and problem-solving abilities.

Ans.2-Education is essential for economic development because it provides individuals with the skills they need to be successful in the workforce and contribute to the economy.

Ans.3-Education promotes mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect for diversity by helping individuals develop an appreciation for different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives.

Ans.4-Examples of sectors in which education is important include healthcare, technology, and finance.

Ans.5-Technology has made education more accessible by allowing individuals to learn from anywhere at any time through online learning platforms.

Ans.6-Some knowledge, skills, and values that education imparts for success in today’s world include digital literacy, communication skills, critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and cultural awareness.

Ans.7-A synonym for “wealth” mentioned in the passage is “prosperity.”

Ans.8-A synonym for “suitable” mentioned in the passage is “appropriate .”

Ans.9-The opposite of “accessibility” mentioned in the passage is “necessary.”

Unseen Passage For Class 12 – Passage 5

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for Class 12 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:- 

In his speech, the Prime Minister of India highlighted the country’s significant contribution to global biodiversity despite occupying only 2.4% of the world’s land. India has the largest population of tigers, elephants, one-horned rhinoceros, and Asiatic lions, and the leopard population has increased by 60% in just four years, he said. The PM also talked about the government’s efforts towards biodiversity regeneration and river cleaning programs, which have helped in the recovery of endangered aquatic species in the Ganges River.

In addition, the PM highlighted India’s long history of tiger conservation since prehistoric times with rock paintings of tigers by prehistoric settlers found in central India. He thanked the world for the success of Project Tiger, which he claimed was not only India’s but the world’s success.

The PM concluded by mentioning that India is celebrating 75 years of independence with 75% of the global tiger population in the country and tiger reserves spanning over 75,000 sq km, which is a 75% increase in tiger population in the last 50 years. indicates a % increase.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 12 and answer them.

Q.1 What percentage of the world’s land does India occupy?

(a) 8%

(b) 2.4%

(c) 75%

(d) 60%

Q.2 Which of the following animals has the largest range of population in India?

(a) Lions

(b) Rhinoceros

(c) Elephants

(d) Tigers

Q.3 What has been the percentage increase in the leopard population in India in the last four years?

(a) 75%

(b) 60%

(c) 50%

(d) 25%

Q.4 Which river has shown improvement in the population of endangered aquatic species due to government efforts in India?

(a) Nile

(b) Amazon

(c) Ganga

(d) Mississippi

Q.5 What is the historical significance of tiger conservation in India?

(a) It began in the 20th century

(b) It dates back to prehistoric times

(c) It started in the 18th century

(d) It was introduced by British colonial rulers

Q.6 What percentage of the global tiger population is in India, according to the Prime Minister’s speech?

(a) 75%

(b) 60%

(c) 50%

(d) 25%


Ans.1- (b) 2.4%

Ans.2- (d) Tigers

Ans.3-  (b) 60%

Ans.4-  (c) Ganga

Ans.5-  (b) It dates back to prehistoric times

Ans.6- (a) 75%”

Unseen Passage For Class 12Passage 6

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 12 carefully and answer the questions given below the Reading Comprehension:-

It was story-building on an epic scale. The first day barely conveyed the setting of the tale, and Bahadur’s audience as yet had no no idea who was coming into the story. As the moon slipped behind the trees of Mempi Forest, Bahadur said, ‘Now friends, Mother says this will do for the day? He abruptly rose, went in, lay down, and fell asleep long before the babble of the crowd ceased. 

The light in the niche would again be seen two or three days later, and again and again throughout the bright half of the month. Kings and heroes, villains and fairy-like women, gods in human form, saints and assassins, jostled each other in that world which was created under the banyan tree. Bahadur’s voice rose and fell in an exquisite rhythm, and the moonlight and the hour completed the magic. The villagers laughed with Bahadur, they wept with him, they adored the heroes, cursed the villains, groaned when the conspirator had his initial success, and they sent up to the gods a heartfelt prayer for a happy ending…

On the day when the story ended, the whole gathering went into the sanctum and prostrated before the Goddess ..

By the time the next moon peeped over the hillock, Bahadur was ready with another story. He never repeated the same kind of story or brought in the same set of persons, and the village folk considered Bahadur a sort of miracle. They quoted his words of wisdom, and lived on the whole in an exalted plane of their own, though their life in all other respects was hard and drab. 

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 12 and answer them.

Q.1- How did Bahadur end the storytelling sessions each day?

Q.2- When would the light in the niche be seen again?

Q.3- Who populated the world created under the banyan tree?

Q.4- How did the villagers react to Bahadur’s storytelling?

Q.5- What did the villagers do when the story ended?

Q.6- How did Bahadur prepare for the next storytelling session?

Q.7- Find the similar word from the passage which means, “chatter”

Q.8- Find the similar word from the passage which means, “dull” 

Q.9- Find the similar word from the passage which means,  “Suddenly” 


Ans.1- Bahadur abruptly rose, went in, lay down, and fell asleep.

Ans.2- The light in the niche would be seen two or three days later and again throughout the bright half of the month.

Ans.3- Kings, heroes, villains, fairy-like women, gods, saints, and assassins populated the world under the banyan tree.

Ans.4- The villagers laughed, wept, adored heroes, cursed villains, groaned at conspirators’ success, and prayed for happy endings.

Ans.5- The whole gathering went into the sanctum and prostrated before the Goddess.

Ans.6- Bahadur never repeated the same kind of story, brought in the same set of persons, and was ready with a new story by the next moon.

Ans.7-  Babble

Ans.8-  Drab

Ans.9- Abruptly

Unseen Passage For Class 12 – Passage 7

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 12 carefully and answer the questions given below the Reading Comprehension:-

But now a strange thing made itself felt. When the judge had sat down on the mound, he was just a common boy. But when he had heard the question, even to the eyes of the frolicsome lads, he seemed quite different. He was now full of gravity, and, instead of answering in fun, he took the case seriously, and gave an answer which in case was perhaps the wisest that man had ever heard. 

The boys were a little frightened. For though they could not appreciate the judge- ment, yet his tone and manner were strange and impressive. Still they thought it was fun and went away again, and, with a good deal more whispering, concocted another case. Once more they put it to their judge, and once more he gave a reply, as if it were out of the depth of a long experience, with incontrovertible wisdom.

And this went on for hours and hours, he sitting on the judge’s seat, listening to the questions propounded by the others, and always pronouncing sentences with the same wonderful gravity and power. Till at last it was time to take the cows home, and so then he jumped down from his place, and was just like any other cowherd. The boys could never forget that day, and whenever they-heard of any perplexing dispute they would set this boy on the mound, and put it to him. And always the same thing happened.

The spirit of knowledge and justice would come to him, and he would show them the truth. But when he came down from his seat, he would be no different from other boys. Gradually the news of this spread through the countryside, and grown-up men and women from all the villages about that part would bring their lawsuits to be decided in the court of the herd-boys on the grass under the green trees. And always they received a judgment that both sides understood, and went away satisfied. So all the disputes in that neighbourhood were settled.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 12 and answer them.

Q.1- What happened to the judge’s appearance and demeanor when he sat on the mound?

Q.2- How did the boys feel when the judge took the case seriously?

Q.3- How did the judge respond to the boys’ questions?

Q.4- How long did the judge continue to pronounce sentences?

Q.5- What happened when it was time to take the cows home?

Q.6-  Find the one word from the passage which means, “scared”

Q.7- Find the opposite word from the passage which means, “fastly”

Q.8-  Find the one word from the passage which means, “Praise”


Ans.1- When the judge sat on the mound, he appeared different, full of gravity, and his manner changed to seriousness.

Ans.2- The boys were a little frightened by the judge’s serious tone and manner.

Ans.3- The judge responded to the questions with wisdom and seriousness, giving replies as if from long experience.

Ans.4- The judge continued to pronounce sentences for hours, maintaining the same gravity and power.

Ans.5- When it was time to take the cows home, the judge jumped down from his seat and became like any other cowherd.

Ans.6- Frightened

Ans.7- Gradually

Ans.8- Appreciate

Unseen Passage For Class 12 – Passage 8

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 12 carefully and answer the questions given below the Reading Comprehension:-

He decided he would simply have to face the consequences. The loss of his job would not be such a great tragedy. He was only three years away from retirement anyway. His children were on their own, a daughter married and two sons in good jobs. For once in his life he was in a position to do something he felt was right, without fear of consequences.

He was sick of doing the bidding of the petty politicians and maneuvers who ran the school, and of always being afraid of losing his job if he punished or failed their delinquent children. There had to come a time in every man’s life when he had to square all these things with his conscience.

When he reached home he called out as usual, ‘I am home.’ While he removed his coat and had a wash, his wife would have a cup of tea ready for him. He debated telling her about what had happened, but discarded the idea. He had always been thankful for her unquestioning acceptance of his decisions, though her acceptance had meant only that she was not sufficiently interested. Since this decision might affect her, it might interest her. But for the time being he was content to leave it.

The reactions came sooner than he expected. Mr Thakar, the lawyer, brought up the subject during their before-dinner walk.

‘Principal Deshpande asked me to have a talk with you,” he said.

Mr Verma said, ‘I have made my decision and nothing you say is going to change it.

Mr Thakar looked at his friend in surprise. ‘Wait till I have had my say,’ he said, holding up his hand. ‘I hold no brief for  Veerendra More. He is despicable and deserves to be kicked out of school. The point is this. You know and I know that your report is not going to serve that purpose, because of circumstances you know very well. Then why commit suicide needlessly?’

‘I know you have only my interests at heart, and I am thankful for it. But it’s no use trying to talk me out of this. I have made up my mind.’

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 12 and answer them.

Q.1- What was the principal’s attitude towards losing his job?

Q.. Why did the principal feel sick of the petty politicians and maneuvers at the school?

Q.3- How did the principal’s wife usually respond to his decisions?

Q.4- Why did Mr. Thakar suggest reconsidering the decision?

Q.5- How did Mr. Verma feel about Mr. Thakar’s intentions?

Q.6- What did Mr. Verma debate telling his wife?

Q.7- How did Mr. Verma react to Mr. Thakar’s plea?

Q.8- What was Mr. Verma’s attitude towards considering other viewpoints?

Q.9- Find the one word from the passage which means, “Insignificant”


Ans.1- He considered it not a great tragedy, given his proximity to retirement and his children’s independence.

Ans.2- He was tired of constantly obeying them and fearing job loss if he disciplined or failed their delinquent children.

Ans.3- She showed unquestioning acceptance, although it implied she wasn’t very interested.

Ans.4- He believed that the report wouldn’t serve its purpose due to known circumstances and advised against needless self-destruction.

Ans.5- He knew Mr. Thakar meant well, but he was resolute in his decision, expressing gratitude nonetheless.

Ans.6- He debated telling her about what happened regarding Principal Deshpande’s request.

Ans.7- He appreciated the concern of others but remained committed to his decision.

Ans.8- . He appreciated the concern of others but remained committed to his decision.

Ans.9- Petty

Unseen Passage For Class 12 – Passage 9

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 12 carefully and answer the questions given below the Reading Comprehension:-

Sir Kishan wondered if he would be travelling alone. It was a Cantonment and some English officers might be on the train. His heart warmed at the prospect of an impressive conversation. He never showed any sign of eagerness to talk to the English as most Indians did. Nor was he loud, aggressive, and opinionated like them. He went about his business with an expressionless matter-of-factness.

He would retire to his corner by the window and get out a copy of The Times. He would fold it in a way in which the name of the paper was visible to others while he did the crossword puzzle. The Times always attracted attention. Someone would like to borrow it when he put it aside with a gesture signifying, ‘I’ve finished with it.’

Perhaps someone would recognize his Bailiol tie which he always wore while travelling. That would open a vista leading to a fairyland of Oxford colleges, masters, dons, tutors, boat races, and rugger matches. If both The Times and the tie failed, Sir Kishan would ‘Koi Hai’ his bearer to get the Scotch out. Whisky never failed with Englishmen.

Then followed Sir Kishan’s handsome gold cigarette case filled with English cigarettes. English cigarettes in India? How on earth did he get them? Sure, he didn’t mind? And Sir Kishan’s understanding smile of course he didn’t. But could he use the Englishman as a medium to commune with his dear old England? Those five years of gray bags and gowns, of sports blazers and mixed doubles, of dinners at the Inns of Court. Five years of a crowded glorious life.

Sir Kishan’s thoughts were disturbed by the bearer announcing the installation of the Sahib’s luggage in a first-class coupe next to the engine. Sir Kishan walked to his coupe with a studied gait. He was dismayed. The compartment was empty. With a sigh he sat down in a corner and opened the copy of The Times he had read several times before.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 12 and answer them.

Q.1- How did Sir Kishan feel about the prospect of encountering English officers on the train?

Q.2- Describe Sir Kishan’s demeanor and behavior towards the English officers.

Q.3- What was Sir Kishan’s strategy for initiating conversation with the Englishmen on the train?

Q.4- What items did Sir Kishan use to potentially attract the attention of the Englishmen?

Q.5- How did Sir Kishan react when he realized the compartment was empty?

Q.6- What does Sir Kishan’s choice of reading material reveal about his intentions or desires?

Q.7-  Find the one word from the passage which means, “Solitary”

Q.8- Find the opposite of “aggressive” from the passage.

Q.9-  Find the one word from the passage which means, “Invisible ” 


Ans.1- Sir Kishan felt a sense of anticipation and looked forward to engaging in conversation with the English officers.

Ans.2- Sir Kishan maintained a calm and reserved demeanor, unlike the stereotypical loud and aggressive behavior associated with some Indians.

Ans.3- Sir Kishan’s strategy involved subtly displaying items such as The Times newspaper and his Bailiol tie to potentially spark conversation.

Ans.4- Sir Kishan used The Times newspaper and his Bailiol tie as conversation starters, along with offering Scotch whiskey and English cigarettes.

Ans.5- Sir Kishan felt disappointed or dismayed when he realized the compartment was empty.

Ans.6- Sir Kishan’s choice of reading material, The Times newspaper, suggests his desire to project an image of sophistication and potentially initiate conversation with the Englishmen based on shared interests.

Ans.7- Alone

Ans.8- Peaceful 

Ans.9- Visible

Unseen Passage For Class 12 – Passage 10

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 12 carefully and answer the questions given below the Reading Comprehension:-

It is only stupid people who take remarks too literally, as we say: that is, who do not look for the real meaning in the statements people make. Thus, when a friend says. “You will not be going past the post office, will you?” he may mean, “I should be grateful if you would post a letter for me if it is not too much trouble.” If you say “No” to the question because you are not going past the post office, it means to your friend that you are not willing to go out of your way even a little to oblige him.

It is not always easy in company to speak frankly, and if you don’t want to be considered a bad mannered person, you have to watch constantly for signs. It is not easy, for example, to listen for long to any person. Try in company to take only a fair share of the conversation.

If there are two of you, take half of it. When you have said a little, keep quiet, and give your friend a chance to say something. If he does not talk, he probably does not want you to talk either. Many a young man or woman talks away. thinking the company is delighted to hear him or her, and everyone is really exhausted and angry.

Don’t think you can say unpleasant things about someone behind his back and not be found out. It is surprising how the remarks usually find their way to the person with your name attached, so to speak. Whatever you say, always assume that the person may overhear, and adjust your remarks accordingly. All experienced people act in this way.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 12 and answer them.

Q.1- What does it mean to take remarks too literally?

Q.2- How should you interpret a friend’s question about passing the post office?

Q.3- Why is it important to listen for signs in company?

Q.4- What is the suggested guideline for conversation participation in a group?

Q.5- Why should you be cautious about saying unpleasant things about someone behind their back?

Q.6- How do experienced people adjust their remarks in social situations?

Q.7-  Find the one word from the passage which means, “Fatigued” 

Q.8-  Find the one word from the passage which means, “Willing ” 

Q.9- Find the opposite of “Intelligent” from the passage.


Ans. 1. Taking remarks too literally means not looking for the underlying meaning in statements, which can lead to misunderstanding.

Ans.2- A friend’s question about passing the post office might imply a request to post a letter.

Ans.3- It’s important to listen for signs in company to gauge when to speak and when to listen.

Ans.4- The suggested guideline is to take only a fair share of the conversation, allowing others to speak as well.

Ans.5- Saying unpleasant things about someone behind their back may lead to the remarks being discovered, causing harm to relationships.

Ans.6- Experienced people adjust their remarks by assuming that the person they’re talking about may overhear, ensuring they’re always respectful and considerate.

Ans.7- Exhausted

Ans.8- Willing 

Ans.9- Stupid

Unseen Passage For Class 11 with Solutions

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