Unseen Passage For Class 5 with Solutions

Here in this post, The Topic of Unseen Passage for Class 5 is made available for practice, Students should read the passage carefully and try to write the answers to the questions asked from the passage.

Unseen Passage For Class 5 – Passage 1

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 5 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-

Clever Ellie

Once upon a time, there was an elephant named Ellie. One day, while Ellie was walking alone in the peaceful forest, she suddenly heard a rustling sound. To her surprise, it was a hunter! Ellie quickly hid behind a big Banyan tree, using her big ears to listen. The hunter searched for a while but gave up and left. Ellie was safe. She decided to warn her animal friends about the hunter, teaching them to stay vigilant. Together, they all lived happily ever after, protecting their forest home.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 5 and answer them.

1. What is the elephant’s name in the story?
2. Where was Ellie when she heard the rustling sound?
3. What did Ellie hide behind to avoid the hunter?
4. What did Ellie decide to do after the hunter left?
5. How did the animals live after Ellie warned them about the hunter?


1. The elephant’s name is Ellie.
2. Ellie was walking alone in the peaceful forest.
3. Ellie hid behind a big Banyan tree.
4. Ellie decided to warn her animal friends about the hunter.
5. Together, they all lived happily ever after, protecting their forest home.

Unseen Passage For Class 5 – Passage 2

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 5 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-

Mother Cow

Under a hill, in a village called Ramgarh, cows roamed in the nearby forest to graze on green grass. One day, Cow Lakshmi wandered near a lion’s cave. The hungry lion woke up and was planning to make it his meal.
Trembling with fear, Lakshmi did not see any other cow nearby. She pleaded with the lion, saying, “Please spare me. I have a small calf that depends on my milk and cannot eat grass yet.”
The lion agreed but warned him to return the next day or face dire consequences. Lakshmi returned to her calf, promising to come back.
The next day, she returned to the lion, keeping her word. The lion, impressed by her honesty, revealed his true form, blessed her, and declared her “Mother Cow”. From then on, all the cows respected him as their protector.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 5 and answer them.

1. What is the name of the cow in the story?

2. Why did Cow Lakshmi plead with the lion?

3. What did Cow Lakshmi encounter near the lion’s cave?
A. A friendly rabbit
   B. Other cows
   C. A hungry lion
   D. The village children

4.  Why did the lion let Cow Lakshmi go the first time?
   A. Because he was full
   B. Because she made him laugh
   C. Because she promised to bring more cows
   D. Because she had a calf that depended on her milk

5. Cow Lakshmi was declared “__________” by the lion after she returned to keep her promise.


Answer 1– Cow Lakshmi.
Answer 2– To spare her because of her calf.
Answer 3– (C) A hungry lion
Answer 4– (D) Because she had a calf that depended on her milk
Answer 5– “Mother Cow”

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Unseen Passage For Class 5 – Passage 3

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 5 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-

“The Disputed Nest”

Once upon a time, in a city, a pheasant lived happily in a nest on a big tree. One day he left his nest to search for food and water in a field full of delicious crops. He liked it so much there that he forgot to return home. Another animal, a rabbit, discovered that empty nest and decided to live there. The pheasant, now fat from the good food, wanted to go back home and found the rabbit in his nest.

When he came back to his nest he found the rabbit in his nest. He told the rabbit that the nest was mine. The rabbit said that I had groomed the nest so now it was mine. They couldn’t agree on whose nest it was, so they went to a wise cat for help. And told him the whole story and said that whoever among us turns out to be a liar, you eat him.

The cat said that he would not take advantage of anyone’s helplessness and would not eat anyone. The cat told him to come to me so that I could know. I couldn’t figure out who was telling the truth, but as soon as they both came near the cat, he cleverly caught the rabbit and the pheasant, ending their dispute. The lesson is not to trust your enemies, even if you know them well, as this can lead to trouble.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 5 and answer them.

1. What did the pheasant do when he found a field with delicious crops?
   a) He stayed there and forgot about his nest.
   b) He immediately returned home.
   c) He invited the rabbit to join him.
   d) He shared the crops with the rabbit.

2. Who did the pheasant and the rabbit seek help from to resolve their dispute?
   a) A wise owl
   b) A clever dog
   c) A kind squirrel
   d) A wise cat

3. The pheasant became ______ after eating a lot in the new place.

4. The cat refused to ______ anyone, as violence was a grave sin.

5. The pheasant and the rabbit both trusted the cat to be fair and unbiased in resolving their dispute. (True or False)


1. Answer:- (a) He stayed there and forgot about his nest.
2. Answer:- (d) A wise cat
3. Answer:- fat.
4. Answer:- harm
5. Answer:- True

Unseen Passage For Class 5 – Passage 4

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 5 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-

“Rabbit’s Cunning Solution”

Once, in a forest, there was a lion who scared all the animals. They decided that one animal would go to the lion every day as prey (शिकार). The wise old rabbit went when it was his turn. He reached the lion’s den (गुफा) slowly. The lion asked, “Why are you late?” The rabbit said, “Other rabbits got attacked by a fierce (भयानक) lion on their way to you. I escaped.” The rabbit mentioned the other lion’s challenge.

The lion got angry and asked the rabbit to take him to this new lion. The rabbit led the lion to a deep well and showed him his own reflection (झलक). The lion thought it was his enemy and jumped in, but it was just a reflection. The wise rabbit saved himself and all the animals.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 5 and answer them.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

1. What animal did the forest creatures decide to send as prey to the scary lion every day?
   A) Elephant
   B) Rabbit
   C) Tortoise
   D) Deer

2. How did the wise rabbit trick the scary lion into jumping into the well?
   A) By challenging the lion’s strength
   B) By showing the lion a fake lion statue
   C) By showing the lion his reflection
   D) By offering the lion a feast

Fill in the Blank:

3. The forest animals decided to send one of them to the lion as prey every ___________.

4. The rabbit managed to escape the attack by another lion on his way to meet the scary lion, so he was able to reach the lion’s den before ___________.

True or False:

5. The rabbit was chosen to go to the lion because he was the fastest animal in the forest. (True/False)

6. The wise rabbit showed the lion its own reflection in a deep well, tricking the lion into jumping in. (True/False)


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):
1. B) Rabbit
2. C) By showing the lion his reflection

Fill in the Blank:
3. The forest animals decided to send one of them to the lion as prey every day.
4. The rabbit managed to escape the attack by another lion on his way to meet the scary lion, so he was able to reach the lion’s den before sunset.

True or False:
5. False (The rabbit was chosen for his wisdom, not his speed.)
6. True

Unseen Passage For Class 5 – Passage 5

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 5 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-

Once upon a time there were so many animals in a village.  They lived happily. But one day an old wolf came there. He scared everyone. The animals decided to work together. The clever rabbit had a plan. The strong lion helped them. The deer ran around the wolf fastly. Their teamwork surprised the wolf. He got scared and  ran away. The animals realized their strength in unity. From that day on, they always lived together. 

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 5 and answer them.

1. What was the problem in the village?
      A. Too many animals
      B. An old wolf scaring everyone

2. Who had a plan to deal with the wolf?
    A. Strong lion
    B. Clever rabbit

3. What did the clever rabbit contribute to solving the problem?

4. Who helped the animals by executing the plan?

Tick the True/False

5. The wolf left the village scared.   (True/False)

6. The animals didn’t realize their strength in unity. (True/False)


1. B. An old wolf scaring everyone
2. B. Clever rabbit
3. The clever rabbit had a plan.
4. The strong lion helped them.
5. True
6. False

Unseen Passage For Class 5 – Passage 6

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 5 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-

Once upon a time in a forest, there was a smart fox named Fanny. The animals were hungry, so they asked Fanny for help. He had a clever idea. He suggested gathering fruits and nuts together before they fell from the trees. The deer reached high branches, squirrels scurried around, and birds flew to collect food. With teamwork, they got lots of food. Fanny  also taught them to save it for later. The animals were happy. They  learned that working together is important. From that day on, the forest was full of laughter and plenty of joy.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 5 and answer them.

1. Why were the animals hungry in the forest?
   A. They didn’t like food
   B. There was a famine

2. What did Fanny suggest to solve the problem?
   A. Gather fruits and nuts together
   B. Play games

3. What did the deer do to help gather food?

4. What did Fanny teach the animals besides gathering food?

Tick the True/False

5. The birds didn’t help in collecting food. (True/False)

6. After working together, the animals were sad. (True/False)


1. C. There was a famine
2. B. Gather fruits and nuts together
3. The deer reached high branches.
4. Fanny taught them to save the food for later.
5. False
6. False

Unseen Passage For Class 5 – Passage 7

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 5 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-

Once upon a time, there was a crow named Koko. He was a bit silly. He found a shiny ring. He thought it was magic. He tried to wear it on his beak. He thought it would make him the king of the skies. But, uh-oh, the ring was heavy.  Koko couldn’t fly properly. His crow friends giggled. Koko realized his mistake. With their help, they removed the ring. He learned that listening to friends is important, and they all shared a good laugh together.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 5 and answer them.

1. Why did Koko think the ring was magic?
   A. It sparkled
   B. His friends told him

2. What did Koko think wearing the ring would make him?
   A. A silly crow
   B. The king of the skies

3. Why did Koko’s friends giggle when he wore the ring?

 4. What did Koko learn from the experience?

True/False Questions:

5. Koko successfully flew with the heavy ring. (True/False )

6. Koko and his friends shared a laugh together. (True/False )


1. A. It sparkled
2. B. The king of the skies
3. Koko’s friends giggled because the ring was too heavy, and Koko couldn’t fly properly.
4. Koko learned that listening to friends is important.
5. False
6. True

Unseen Passage For Class 5 – Passage 8

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 5 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-

I am Joly. I am thirteen years old. My hobby is taking pictures. My father gifted me a camera. I love to capture special moments. I take pictures like freezing smiles, sunsets, and even flowers. I can be a little artist with my camera. I make everyday things look amazing. Taking photos is super fun. Each picture tells a story.  I share it with my friends and family. Photography is my favorite way to show how I see the world. I enjoy my hobby very much.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 5 and answer them.

1. What is Joly’s hobby?
  A. Reading books  
  B. Taking pictures

2. What did Joly’s father gift her?
   A. A book
  B. A camera

3. What kind of pictures does Joly like to take?
4. Why does Joly enjoy taking photos?

 True/False Questions:

5. Joly’s hobby is reading books. (True/False)
6. Joly’s father gifted her a camera. (True/False)


1. B. Taking pictures
2. B. A camera
3. Joly likes to take pictures of freezing smiles, sunsets, and even flowers.
4. Joly enjoys taking photos because it’s super fun, and each picture tells a story. It’s her favorite way to show how she sees the world.
5. False
6. True

Unseen Passage For Class 5 – Passage 9

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 5 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-

A picnic is super fun. It is an outdoor party with family and friends. Everyone brings yummy food in baskets. We all sit on mats on the grass. There is lots of laughter. We play games like tag or catch, Hide and Seek etc. We enjoy the fresh air and eat tasty sandwiches and fruits. It feels like a mini adventure. We make happy memories together. Picnics are like magical breaks.  We can relax and eat.  We have a great time outside.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 5 and answer them.

1. What do people do during a picnic?
   A. Watch TV
   B. Play games, eat, and relax outside

2. Where do people sit during a picnic?
     A. Mats on the grass
     B. Chairs

3. Name one game mentioned in the passage that people play during a picnic.   
4. How does the passage describe the atmosphere during a picnic?

True/False Questions:

5. People watch TV during a picnic. (True/False)
6. Picnics are described as fun. (True/False)


1. B. Play games, eat, and relax outside
2. A. Mats on the grass
3. Games like tag, catch, Hide and Seek, etc.
4. The passage describes the atmosphere as filled with lots of laughter and a feeling of a mini adventure.
5. False
6. Fun

Unseen Passage For Class 5 – Passage 10

Directions: Read the following unseen passage for class 5 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-

A dictionary is like a helper for words. My uncle gave me a dictionary on my last birthday. It was a surprise gift for me. It is a treasure chest full of meanings. It teaches how to say words, and where to use them. When we read or write, a dictionary helps us to understand and use words correctly. It’s our language friend. So, when I have a question about a word, just open my dictionary, and it will tell me everything I need to know. It’s like having a language helper. It is always ready to help you.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 5 and answer them.

1. What is a dictionary like for words?
    A. A toy
    B. A helper

2. Who gave the narrator a dictionary on their last birthday?
   A. Aunt
   B. Uncle

3. How does the passage describe a dictionary?
4. When does the narrator use a dictionary?

True/False Questions:

5. A dictionary is described as a language helper in the passage.(True/False)
6. The narrator got a dictionary as a surprise gift from their aunt.(True/False )


1. B. A helper
2. B. Uncle
3. The passage describes a dictionary as a helper for words, a treasure chest full of meanings, and a language friend.
4. The narrator uses a dictionary when they have a question about a word.
5. True
6. False

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