We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer Class 11

We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer Class 11, short type and long type additional questions that are important for Class 11 students are available here, students of class 11 must read “We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer” for upcoming examinations. Have a look at the table of contents for shortcuts and better navigation.

We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer Class 11

Directions:- We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer in about 30-40 words each.

Q.1  What did the narrator plan to do? Where did they begin their journey from?

Ans. The narrator planned to go on a sea voyage around the world with his family. He began the voyage in July 1976. He, his wife Mary, six-year-old son Jonathan and seven-year-old daughter Suzanne were with him. They set sail from Plymouth, England.

Q.2. The narrator says that they took 16 years honing their seafaring skills. What do you think they could be learning?

Ans. They could be studying about weather conditions, reading maps and use of scientific instruments to find bearings, the art of conducting repair and how to manage a ship.

Q.3 Briefly describe the narrator’s ship. (We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer)

Ans. It was 23-metre, 30-ton wooden-hulled ship. It was professionally built, and the narrator had spent months on putting it together and testing it out in the roughest of weather.

Q.4 Who are Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler? Why did the narrator decide to take them on their journey?

Ans. Larry and Herb were skilled crewmen. The narrator decided to take them on their journey as they would help the narrator to tackle the highly rough Southern Indian Ocean.

Q.5. The narrator says that “As the ship rose to the top of each wave we could see endless enormous seas rolling towards us.” What did he mean?

Ans. The waves were gigantic. Even from the top of the wave, it seemed that the sea was still moving towards them. The screaming of the wind and spray was painful to the ears.

Q.6. What danger did they foresee and what safety precautions did they take? (We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer)

Ans. They dropped the storm jib, double-lashed everything, attached lifelines, donned oil skins and life jackets, slowed the boat and went through the life-raft drill. They expected to drown and ultimately face death.

Q.7. What indication did they get about the forthcoming danger at 6 pm? (We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer)

Ans. The indication of impending danger came at 6 p.m. with absolute silence, the wind dropped, the sky grew dark and an enormous wave appeared vertical, twice the height of the other waves so far.

Q.8. What extraordinary efforts did the narrator have to make to reach the stern?

Ans. The narrator grabbed the guard rails and sailed through the air into the main boom. Waves tossed him around like a rag doll, his left ribs had cracked, his mouth was full of blood and broken teeth, yet he found the wheel and climbed up the stern and hung on there.

Q.9. Why does the narrator exclaim “Water, Water, Everywhere”? (We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer)

Ans. The ship was near capsizing; the ship had water below the stern, the deck was full of water and waves all over the ship tossed the narrator around.

Q.10. Why did the narrator not want to abandon the wheel? Later why did he ask Mary to take the wheel?

Ans. Only the wheel and its control could save the ship from sinking. He asked Mary to take the wheel as he wanted to make repairs to save the boat from sinking.

Q.11. What problems did the hand pumps develop? What happened to the spare pumps? What happened as a result?

Ans. The hand pumps got blocked by the debris floating around the cabins and the electric pumps short- circuited. Two spare hand pumps had fallen overboard along with the sail, the jib, the dinghies and the main anchor.

Q.12. How did Sue show that she was a brave girl? (We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer)

Ans. She had a swollen head, two enormous black eyes. a deep cut on her arm, yet she did not want to worry her father as he was busy trying to save everyone.

Q.13. What does the narrator refer to when he uses the expression “pinpricks in the vast ocean?” How could these pinpricks act as their saviours?

Ans. The narrator refers to the two small islands, a few kilometers away. One of them was Ile Amsterdam, a French scientific base. They could land on one of them and save their lives.

Q.14. Why did the narrator say that they had their first meal in two days?

Ans. From the dawn of January 2 till January 4, the narrator and his family were fighting the storm, working at the wheel, pumping out water, plugging holes. They got breathing time to eat their first meal only after two days.

Q.15. “But our respite was short-lived.” What respite is the narrator referring to and why does he say it was short-lived?

Ans. The respite was to eat their first meal of corned beef and cracker biscuits and stop pumping the ship and sail quickly towards the island. It was short- lived because the weather had deteriorated again, and the situation was desperate.

Q.16. Why did the author think that Ile Amsterdam was the most beautiful island in the world?

Ans. The island was a bleak piece of volcanic rock with little vegetation and had only 28 inhabitants. The island saved their lives from the storm, so the narrator called it the most beautiful island in the world.

We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer Class 11 – Long Type

Directions:- We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answers in about 120-150 words each.

We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer-

Q.1. The narrator was a daring adventurer. Illustrate the truth of this statement with examples from the text.

Ans. The narrator was indeed a daring adventurer. He decided to undertake a voyage around the world along with his family – wife, Mary, and two very young children, Suzanne and Jonathan. The narrator took pains to train himself for sixteen years. During the voyage, he had to face many problems.

Due to the heavy lashing waves, his ship almost broke into pieces. He was flung into the sea, and all his gear and instruments were almost smashed. At one stage, he had given up all hopes of survival. Still, he continued to carry out all possible efforts. He studied the position and headed for a nearby island. His wife and children were equally brave and helped him in his struggle against the cruel waves.

Q.2. Describe how the narrator faced the disaster and how he came out of it. (We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer)

Ans. On January 2, huge waves had been hitting the narrator’s boat since morning. The sea seemed to be moving towards them. At six in the evening, the wind dropped, and the sky grew dark. Then came the growing roar and an enormous cloud appeared over the ship. A tremendous explosion shook the deck. A torrent of green and white water broke over the ship.

The narrator’s head smashed into the wheel and threw him into the sea. When the boat was almost capsizing, the narrator somehow grabbed the rails and entered the boat’s main room. Two of the crewmen, Larry and Herb, continued pumping out the water. The narrator managed to stretch canvas, and secure waterproof hatch covers to plug the holes. By morning, the pumps had the water level sufficiently under control and the crew could take two hours’ rest in rotation.

Q.3. Describe the courage shown by the children in the face of danger. (We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer)

Ans. The two children, Suzanne and Jonathan, showed amazing courage throughout the disaster that struck the ship. When the narrator half swam, and half crawled into the children’s cabin and asked whether they were all right, they immediately answered with a ‘yes’. Suzanne pointed to a big bump above her eyes and pain in the head, but she did not ask for attention. Her head was alarmingly swollen by night; she had two black eyes, and a deep cut on her arm. She told her father that she didn’t want to worry him by showing all her injuries when he was trying to save them.

She even made a card in which she had drawn caricatures of her parents. This made her father laugh. Inside was a message which said ‘thank you’ and ‘hope for the best’.

On January 6, Jonathan wanted a hug from his father because he thought he was the best captain. Sue pointed out calmly that the narrator had steered the ship to safety and the island was in front of them. Suzanne was only seven-year-old, and Jonathan was six, and yet they were not afraid of death, as long as they were all together.

Q.4. ‘We’re Not Afraid to Die’ is a saga of patience and bravery. Comment. (We Are Not Afraid to Die Extra Question Answer)

Ans. The story is a rare example of courage and perseverance shown by the narrator’s family. His wife, two children and two crewmen accompanied him on the voyage. They met with dangers and disasters on their way towards the island. But they faced all difficulties with patience, courage and determination. Not even once did their confidence and belief in themselves waver. Even the two children showed extraordinary patience and courage. They were not afraid to die. They were ready to face the consequences along with their parents.

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